This is where we review wines like we select and drink them -- in context. As regular wine consumers, we don't taste wines blind, in a room with other professionals, out of proper stemware, or up against other similar wines. We taste it with friends or family, by ourselves, in a mood, with unmatched food, looking at and weighing the looks of the label and the price point. This is the wine review section that allows for all of these factors to contribute to our overall enjoyment of a product that is designed for one sole purpose -- to be enjoyed. It's a wine guide written for wine lovers by wine lovers and nothing more. Take our advice or don't, but hopefully you will at least be entertained in the process.
Stodgy wine terminology will be kept to a minimum (sometimes we can't help it). There will be no scores. Conditions will not be uniform for all wines tasted. We will do our best to be honest, descriptive and fair, understanding that no two palates are the same and no two wine lovers in agreement 100% of the time.